Published on October 23, 2006 By Martimus In Blogging
After talking with a friend of mine I have taken down all of the things I had written here. What I did was the wrong way of going about things. I didn't have anyone who had time to talk to me, so I wrote everything down here. I did so out of necessity, but now that I have someone to talk to, I can see how wrong it is for me to write the things I have here. I will refrain from writing anything else on this blog. I apologize for anythign that I have said or done here.
on Oct 23, 2006

Unless I missed something, you have nothing to be sorry for.

Hope things work out for you.

on Oct 23, 2006
Thank you.
on Oct 23, 2006
You know that you can mark your blog where only you can see it. You can vent but not share with everyone. I write some blogs to share and some are just for me. I think journaling or blogging can be therapeutic. Especially when you dont' have someone to talk with. Also sometimes I think it is nice to get others input and perspectives on your problems. Anyway JU will still be here if you need it.
on Oct 24, 2006
You shouldn't apologize for wanting to vent and get things off your locomama said, maybe you can mark your blogs private if you don't want anyone else seeing them.

Here is hoping your friend helps you through these tough times.
on Oct 24, 2006

As Loca and In Bloom have both said, you can make your blogs private so only you can see it.  When you go to the page where you write your article, just mark the 'who can see this' as 'only me'.  That way you can still vent, but nobody else will be able to read your venting.

It's important that you have an outlet right now, whether that be an online journal or a handwritten one.  If you're still not comfortable with writing about your troubles online, please consider getting a plain ol' composition book and writing down how you feel and what you think in it.  I have a written journal, and it's been a BIG help to me.  The things that I'm not prepared to share here all get put in that journal....and it feels so good to be able to get it all out.  It's also helpful to me to be able to go back and look over what I was feeling and thinking so I can try and improve how I handle things in the future.

I want you to know that you can always vent to me.  I promise I won't try and fix your problems, I'll just listen and let you get it all out.  I've enjoyed our email discussions!

on Oct 24, 2006
I have already converted all of the messages. Thank you for listening to all my meaningless rants, and I apologize for submitting all of you to my pathetic life.