Published on January 31, 2006 By Martimus In Galactic Civilizations II
I tried to purchase Gal Civ 2 over the weekend, but I ended up getting an error. I got charged for the game three times, but I can't find a phone number anywhere to call and get this fixed. I tried e-mailing but I recieved no response, and I hate communicating through e-mail. (I would far rather talk to someone over the phone.) Could someone get me a number I can call to get help from Stardock Sales?
on Jan 31, 2006
I doubt you were charged even once, since they don't charge you until they have something they can give you and the final version won't be available until 2/21.

I've never seen an official phone number for Stardock's sales department, but when I got the beta version a few months back the charge came from "STARDOCK SYSTEM-MI 734-9270677 MI". You might try calling that number.
on Feb 01, 2006
What youre probably seeing as charges are Pre-Auths ... I had errors with my order too and ended up with 2 pre-auths which might as well have been charges, even tho they werent, because it meant almost 100$ was being marked off as spent according to my bank... prolly the same as you... don't worry m8, the charges should disapear if theyre just took days for mine to go away...

on Feb 01, 2006
Thanks, I'lll give that a call.
on Feb 01, 2006
I called that number, and it worked well. Thanks, I have everything under control now. luzerlinux was right, they had done 3 Pre-Authorizations, but they did not go through so I needed to order again. It is nice that they are so close. (I live within 20 miles of the office I called.) If only because the economy in Michigan is so bad, so it is good keeping the money in state.